Where: Grassy field, or for more confident riders, a straight open dirt fire road (maybe one that mimics the start of a specific race).
Objective: I can build timing and coordination skills. I can ride with different teammates. I can have fun.
Setup: Cones or a similar marker needed for a start line and finish line. Start and finish can be approximately 100 – 150 yards apart.
Rules: The goal is for any rider to “catch” the Rabbit (rider’s front wheel leading the Rabbit’s front wheel) before the finish line.
OTB 101 Skills: Bike body separation, shifting, cornering,
OTB 201 Skills: Cornering
This post is intentionally simple in its design so that it is easy to print and take to your next NICA practice!
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Click to see more NICA games at The Trailhead!
In addition to our growing library of games here on The Trailhead, NICA’s entire collection of on- and off-the-bike games are available in full PDF form in the NICA Coach Resources. To access the coach resources, log into Pit Zone and click the “Courses, Resources, & Benefits” button. Use the resource links on the dashboard, or the search function at the top of the screen.