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Changes to NICA’s Leaders’ Summit Requirements

We’ve updated the NICA Leaders’ Summit requirements from five sessions to four.

Photo by Aaron Puttcamp, Pennsylvania Interscholastic Cycling League

The NICA Leaders’ Summit exists to bring coaches together to develop skills and knowledge, share strategies, and build community. Leaders’ Summits take place in person (hosted by leagues) and now are available for coaches to take online, via Zoom sessions hosted by NICA national staff. 
A completed NICA Leaders’ Summit is required for any Level 3 coach. Coaches who already have Level 3 licensure may take Leaders’ Summits (either single online sessions or any in-person session) for Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

What’s changing in 2023?


Starting in 2023, the full NICA Leaders’ Summit (online and in person) will change from 5 required sessions to 4 required sessions. Here’s a quick overview of the content change:

A table that outlines the changes of NICA's leaders' summit requirements

Any coaches who had completed 4 leaders’ summit sessions previous to this change should have received a completion email and seen an update to Pit Zone. 

For those who need to wrap up their final sessions, be sure to sign up for the workshops you have not yet completed, based on our new schedule above; note that the days of the week may have changed! If you have questions about which sessions you’ve already done, please connect with us via the Coach Help Desk.

View more Coach Updates at The Trailhead

NICA’s comprehensive coach education program provides new and existing coaches with the high-quality training and resources they need to be confident, competent, and empowered leaders on their youth mountain bike teams. NICA coaches not only create amazing experiences for student-athletes, they create a foundation for building healthy mountain bike communities. NICA coaches change lives!

View more information about NICA’s coach education program.