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2 Truths and 1 Lie

This month, check out “2 truths and 1 lie” – a game played with the intent of getting to know each other that also makes a great filler between activities or while on a break from riding and skills exercises. Coaches can get in on this one, too!

Chase the Rabbit

An awesome part about NICA is the opportunity for student-athletes of all skill levels to ride together as a team. This game is designed to give groups of mixed abilities a chance to have some fun while honing skills.

Infected/Zombie Tag

Fall is in the air, scary movies are hitting the theaters, and zombies are out looking for “braaaaains”! This hilarious game is sure to get a laugh out of your student-athletes in the fall season. If you’re in a spring league, don’t let the time of year stop you from throwing this activity into the mix. It’s a great tool for a quick assessment of slow speed bike handling skills, and also a great way to gauge the cohesiveness of your team.


A combination of Follow the Leader and H-O-R-S-E basketball game. The
object of the game is to match and perform riding challenges. It’s important that this game is guided by coaches to keep it within the scope NICA riding!


A NEW off-the-bike game for NICA coaches! Get loud and get silly with this off-the-bike game. Never underestimate our student-athletes’ desire to still be kids and have FUN. Games can turn up the fun factor and provide variety for everyone at practice.


This classic game with endless creative progressions can help athletes learn balance, coordination, ratcheting, and ultimately, track stands. How does your team play foot down?

Have you ever…

Have you ever…wanted to build more community within your team? Then this game is for you! Laugh your way through a series of questions and find out what you have in common with your fellow teammates and coaches…

Roll the Dice

Create some excitement around skills late in your season once trail riding has gotten a little stale. Get creative and customize your skill and activity options!

Something True/Something False

This simple get-to-know-you game is great for the beginning of the season. It encourages sharing while allowing athletes to choose the facts (and falsehoods) that they disclose about themselves, depending on their own comfort levels.