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Meet the Tallahassee Thunder and Coach Bree Van Oss

Head coach Bree Van Oss started his team, the Tallahassee Thunder, during the pandemic in 2020. He noticed that his local mountain biking scene lacked representation, so he jumped in feet first to bring the NICA mission and values to his community. And thus, a rad team was born!

2 Truths and 1 Lie

This month, check out “2 truths and 1 lie” – a game played with the intent of getting to know each other that also makes a great filler between activities or while on a break from riding and skills exercises. Coaches can get in on this one, too!

Coach Resource Highlight

Coaches who have taken the Online Leaders’ Summit will recognize the Great Teammate Pledge as an early season activity that helps the team work together to set expectations and is an important aspect of behavior management.

Team Captain Guidance

Student-athletes in team captain positions have the opportunity to learn effective leadership while being positive role-models and cheerleaders for their teammates. Choosing team captains should be done based on character and leadership qualities.

Infected/Zombie Tag

Fall is in the air, scary movies are hitting the theaters, and zombies are out looking for “braaaaains”! This hilarious game is sure to get a laugh out of your student-athletes in the fall season. If you’re in a spring league, don’t let the time of year stop you from throwing this activity into the mix. It’s a great tool for a quick assessment of slow speed bike handling skills, and also a great way to gauge the cohesiveness of your team.

“I Love Watching you Ride”: How to be a Great NICA Parent

What we as coaches say to our student-athletes matters and impacts their experiences. What parents say to their student-athletes can make an even bigger impact and can influence their love of the sport. John O’Sullivan, founder of the Changing the Game Project and best-selling author asserts that the best thing a parent can say to a student-athlete after competition is “I love watching you play (ride)”.


A combination of Follow the Leader and H-O-R-S-E basketball game. The
object of the game is to match and perform riding challenges. It’s important that this game is guided by coaches to keep it within the scope NICA riding!

The Feed Webinar 2024

This month NICA partnered with The Feed to deliver an informative webinar about nutrition and riding and racing performance. The Feed’s Carson Beckett, a NICA alumni and nutritionist, gave a presentation and answered questions about hydration, nutrition, and being well-fueled for physical activity.

Event Prep

Event season is right around the corner for fall leagues. Many student-athletes are about to participate in their first race for the season, or maybe their first race ever! When kids are nervous about races, we can support them with thoughtful practice planning and empathetic support.

Camp Feature

Many NICA leagues have camps this time of year – from adventure riding camps to GRiT camps to skills clinics, kids have lots of opportunities to ride with their peers in new and exciting situations and places! One league that has been strong in their camp game is West Virginia NICA! This summer, WV held their 4th annual adventure riding camp and their 6th annual GRiT camp!