On-The-Bike 101 has been updated!
Coaches! We’ve updated the On-the-Bike 101 materials for 2023. Check out the revised 101 manual and stay tuned for a new field guide!
Coaches! We’ve updated the On-the-Bike 101 materials for 2023. Check out the revised 101 manual and stay tuned for a new field guide!
Starting in 2023, the full NICA Leaders’ Summit (online and in person) will change from 5 required sessions to 4 required sessions. A completed NICA Leaders’ Summit is required for any Level 3 coach. Coaches who already have Level 3 licensure may take Leaders’ Summits (either single online sessions or any in-person session) for Continuing Education Units (CEUs).
What’s new in the NICA-sphere in 2023? We’ve got some new Pit Zone updates and a brand-new COACH HELP DESK resource to make sure coaches… Read More »Coach Updates for January
The NICA Coach Education team is instituting an important change in the number of CEUs (Continuing Education Units) required to maintain a Level 3 NICA coaching license.